This Week’s Online Shopping Tip: Follow Favorite Shopping Sites on Social Media

We are constantly on our phones. And, if we are not on our phones, we are most likely on our laptop or desktop computer – or, perhaps even a tablet. At Least, that is us. And, according to statistics – it is you too. Being connected is our lives. It can be a vice or a virtue. If it’s a vice – this blog post is for you! (If it’s a virtue – you can probably pick up a tip or two as well!)

One of the best things about this obsession with our devices is notifications that we can opt into from social media. It keeps us up-to-date on not only the world’s breaking news but also the most relevant shopping SALES and DEALS. This is our first love and we assume might be yours too. Hi, fellow shoppers!

But, as always, there are rules. And, you (we) do not want to get – eeks! – spammed. So, our advice? Only follow the social media accounts that you love, that ones that are worth getting notifications from. When notifications first came out – years ago, I know – it was a norm to subscribe to them all. But, not today; we only want to see the most relevant stuff that affect our daily lives. This can be different for each and every one of us but basically follow your favorites and the ones that give you the most up-to-date sales, new items and anything that gets your blood boiling – in a good way, of course. Follow the accounts that will make you click every. Single. Time.

As avid online shoppers, we understand the struggle. Therefore, we promise not to spam you. At Shopplify, our social media only includes what we would find notification worthy. This includes this blog post, of course, sales & deals, plus our newest and trendiest items. We will never give you the extra stuff, the stuff that you will roll your eyes to and click unsubscribe. Scroll through the social media accounts of brands you love and make sure they do the same too. If they follow the “no-spam rule” – they are a winner. Be the first to know and the first to score the best online shopping deals out there with this simple tip!

So, in short – unfollow the noise and only follow those who have YOUR best interest in mind.

Get out there and shop! And, don’t forget to follow Shopplify on social media – Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest & more! You don’t want to miss out! We promise. Find the links on the site’s side panel, click and begin to save money today!

Ready for the next tip? Follow us on Facebook & stay up-to-date!

Topic: Next Week’s Online Shopping Tip: Reviews, Reviews, Reviews

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