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  • Big Little Lies

    0 out of 5
    ProductTypeName : ABIS_BOOK
    EANList :
    Binding : Paperback
    Author : Liane Moriarty
    ISBN : 0425274861
    ItemDimensions :
    Label : Berkley
    Languages :
    IsAdultProduct : 0
    CatalogNumberList :
    EAN : 9780425274866
    ListPrice :
    PublicationDate : 2015-08-11
    Manufacturer : Berkley
    Studio : Berkley
    Title : Big Little Lies
    PackageQuantity : 1
    ProductGroup : Book
    ReleaseDate : 2015-08-11
    Publisher : Berkley
    NumberOfItems : 1
    NumberOfPages : 512
    PackageDimensions :
    Edition : Reprint
  • $7.99
    PublicationDate : 2015-08-18
    Feature : Spiegel Grau
    ISBN : 081298496X
    ItemDimensions :
    Label : Spiegel & Grau
    EANList :
    Binding : Paperback
    EAN : 9780812984965
    Languages :
    Brand : Spiegel Grau
    CatalogNumberList :
    Author : Bryan Stevenson
    ListPrice :
    Manufacturer : Spiegel & Grau
    ProductTypeName : ABIS_BOOK
    Publisher : Spiegel & Grau
    ReleaseDate : 2015-08-18
    Studio : Spiegel & Grau
    ProductGroup : Book
    NumberOfItems : 1
    PackageQuantity : 1
    Title : Just Mercy: A Story of Justice and Redemption
    NumberOfPages : 368
    PackageDimensions :
    Edition : Reprint
  • $9.59
    PartNumber : 23542
    EAN : 9780802412706
    IsAdultProduct : 0
    Author : Gary Chapman
    ISBN : 080241270X
    Languages :
    ItemDimensions :
    Label : Northfield Publishing
    Feature : Northfield Publishing
    Edition : 1St Edition
    Brand : Moody Publishing
    CatalogNumberList :
    EANList :
    ListPrice :
    ProductGroup : Book
    Manufacturer : Northfield Publishing
    PublicationDate : 2015-01-01
    ReleaseDate : 2015-01-01
    Title : The 5 Love Languages: The Secret to Love that Lasts
    PackageQuantity : 1
    Studio : Northfield Publishing
    Publisher : Northfield Publishing
    ProductTypeName : ABIS_BOOK
    NumberOfItems : 1
    MPN : 23542
    NumberOfPages : 208
    PackageDimensions :
    Binding : Paperback
  • $10.19
    EAN : 9781607747307
    NumberOfPages : 224
    ProductGroup : Book
    Title : The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up: The Japanese Art of Decluttering and Organizing
    Studio : Ten Speed Press
    ReleaseDate : 2014-10-14
    UPCList :
    UPC : 884327095983
    ProductTypeName : ABIS_BOOK
    PackageDimensions :
    PublicationDate : 2014-10-14
    Publisher : Ten Speed Press
    NumberOfItems : 1
    Binding : Hardcover
    Manufacturer : Ten Speed Press
    ListPrice :
    Languages :
    Label : Ten Speed Press
    CatalogNumberList :
    Author : Marie Kondo
    ItemDimensions :
    ISBN : 1607747308
    EANList :
    IsAdultProduct : 0
    Edition : 1st
    PackageQuantity : 1
  • $12.83
    EANList :
    ProductGroup : Book
    PackageQuantity : 1
    Studio : The New Press
    Publisher : The New Press
    NumberOfItems : 1
    MPN : 24101524
    TradeInValue :
    PublicationDate : 2012-01-16
    ProductTypeName : ABIS_BOOK
    PackageDimensions :
    NumberOfPages : 336
    Title : The New Jim Crow: Mass Incarceration in the Age of Colorblindness
    Manufacturer : The New Press
    Languages :
    EAN : 9781595586438
    Creator : Cornel West
    Label : The New Press
    ItemDimensions :
    Binding : Paperback
    Author : Michelle Alexander
    ListPrice :
    IsEligibleForTradeIn : 1
    ISBN : 1595586431
    CatalogNumberList :
    Brand : Baker and Taylor
    PartNumber : 24101524
  • $7.05
    ProductTypeName : ABIS_BOOK
    ISBN : 0964729237
    ItemDimensions :
    Label : Windblown Media
    Languages :
    Edition : 1st
    Binding : Paperback
    EANList :
    ListPrice :
    Brand : FaithWords/Hachette Book Group
    EAN : 9780964729230
    Author : William P. Young
    Manufacturer : Windblown Media
    MPN : 299237
    ProductGroup : Book
    PublicationDate : 2007-07-01
    Publisher : Windblown Media
    Studio : Windblown Media
    PartNumber : 299237
    NumberOfItems : 1
    PackageQuantity : 1
    Title : The Shack: Where Tragedy Confronts Eternity
    NumberOfPages : 256
    PackageDimensions :
    Feature : Great product!
  • $16.17
    PublicationDate : 2016-08-02
    ItemDimensions :
    Label : Doubleday
    Languages :
    ListPrice :
    Edition : 1St Edition
    Binding : Hardcover
    EANList :
    Manufacturer : Doubleday
    CatalogNumberList :
    EAN : 9780385542364
    Author : Colson Whitehead
    MPN : 611652
    NumberOfItems : 1
    ProductTypeName : ABIS_BOOK
    Publisher : Doubleday
    ReleaseDate : 2016-08-02
    Studio : Doubleday
    ProductGroup : Book
    NumberOfPages : 320
    PartNumber : 611652
    Title : The Underground Railroad (National Book Award Winner) (Oprah's Book Club): A Novel
    PackageDimensions :
    PackageQuantity : 1
    ISBN : 0385542364
  • The Whistler

    0 out of 5
    PartNumber : 900435
    EANList :
    Author : John Grisham
    ItemDimensions :
    Label : Doubleday
    EAN : 9780385541190
    ListPrice :
    ISBN : 0385541198
    Languages :
    Edition : 1St Edition
    Brand : Doubleday
    CatalogNumberList :
    Feature : The Whistler
    Manufacturer : Doubleday
    ProductTypeName : ABIS_BOOK
    NumberOfItems : 1
    MPN : 900435
    Publisher : Doubleday
    ReleaseDate : 2016-10-25
    PackageQuantity : 1
    Title : The Whistler
    PublicationDate : 2016-10-25
    Studio : Doubleday
    ProductGroup : Book
    NumberOfPages : 384
    PackageDimensions :
    Binding : Hardcover
  • $13.20
    PartNumber : 925826
    EANList :
    ItemDimensions :
    Label : Thomas Nelson
    Languages :
    EAN : 9780718090197
    Author : Rory Feek
    ListPrice :
    Feature : This Life I Live: One Man's Extraordinary, Ordinary Life...
    Brand : HarperCollins Christian Pub.
    CatalogNumberList :
    ISBN : 0718090195
    Manufacturer : Thomas Nelson
    ProductTypeName : ABIS_BOOK
    NumberOfItems : 1
    PublicationDate : 2017-02-14
    Publisher : Thomas Nelson
    Studio : Thomas Nelson
    PackageQuantity : 1
    MPN : 925826
    Title : This Life I Live: One Man's Extraordinary, Ordinary Life and the Woman Who Changed It Forever
    ProductGroup : Book
    NumberOfPages : 240
    PackageDimensions :
    Binding : Hardcover
  • $14.00
    Edition : 1
    ProductGroup : Book
    PackageDimensions :
    ReleaseDate : 2016-01-12
    Publisher : Random House
    Manufacturer : Random House
    ListPrice :
    Title : When Breath Becomes Air
    PublicationDate : 2016-01-12
    ProductTypeName : ABIS_BOOK
    NumberOfPages : 256
    NumberOfItems : 1
    Studio : Random House
    Languages :
    ItemDimensions :
    EANList :
    EAN : 9780812988406
    ISBN : 081298840X
    IsAdultProduct : 0
    Binding : Hardcover
    Author : Paul Kalanithi
    Label : Random House
    Format : Deckle Edge
    Feature : Random House
    Creator : Abraham Verghese
    Brand : Random House
    PackageQuantity : 1