This Week’s Online Shopping Tip: Reviews, Reviews, Reviews

How important are customer reviews to shoppers? Very important, as it turns out. The fact is, 90% of consumers read online reviews before visiting a business. And 88% of consumers trust online reviews as much as personal recommendations (Source: Local Consumer Review 2016). Key ‘Takeaways’ From Online Review Survey Research in 2016 (Source: Local Consumer … Read more

This Week’s Online Shopping Tip: Follow Favorite Shopping Sites on Social Media

We are constantly on our phones. And, if we are not on our phones, we are most likely on our laptop or desktop computer – or, perhaps even a tablet. At Least, that is us. And, according to statistics – it is you too. Being connected is our lives. It can be a vice or a virtue. … Read more

This Week’s Online Shopping Tip: Sign-Up for Newsletters & Email Lists

Shopping online can be quick and convenient, but it can also be pricey. Luckily, there are various tricks to help you cut costs. Take it from me—someone who’s on a first-name basis with the UPS man, but rarely pays full price or shipping costs when I purchase an item on the Internet. Each week, I … Read more